Wabi Sabi: My Journey To Japan


Spencer Wilson, ’14, Business and Behavioral Science. What is wabi sabi? If you asked a Western person, they may say that wabi sabi is the quintessential Japanese aesthetic where one finds “beauty of things imperfect.” If you asked a Japanese person, they may struggle to come up with a definition or explanation for a philosophy that is so intertwined in their culture. Defining wabi sabi in physical terms is like explaining the taste of a piece of chocolate by its shape and color to someone who has never tasted it. Through sharing her personal journey that lead her to Clemson and ultimately to the JET Program in Japan.

May 3, 2016 27:48
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The Academy

About 2016 Clemson Global Symposium

The Clemson Global Symposium was originally created by a collaboration of recent Clemson Alumni, current Clemson students, faculty, and staff with their eyes on the following mission: to serve as a catalyst in fostering the development of Clemson students as global citizens. The Symposium focuses on two main goals: To foster awareness of cross-cultural understanding through opportunities for overseas service and/or academic and research activities and to encourage engagement of Clemson students in taking on global responsibilities and problem solving in partnership with citizens from other countries. More sessions will be added as they are available.