Solution to the Dropout Crisis

With a national dropout rate well exceeding 30% for many subpopulations, we face a national crisis. In South Carolina, the situation is even worse. By sharing what actually works to combat this challenges in our state and across our nation’s future, the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network is committed to providing information to the relevant constituencies on research-based solutions to the dropout crisis. Solutions to the Dropout Crisis is a professional development broadcast produced by Clemson University Broadcast Productions for the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network. Solutions airs the second Tuesday of each month throughout the year, bringing the best in professional learning opportunities to its viewers as they seek ongoing strategies and information related to dropout prevention, intervention, and recovery to improve high school graduation rates and school dropout rates. For more related links and resources related to each program, visit


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Early Warning And Intervention: Reaching Students Before Major Negative Events Happen



April 7, 2016 05:00

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