“Study Abroad: The Pursuit of Exploration, Knowledge and WiFi” presented by Charlotte Richardson, ’16


These last seven months abroad presented Charlotte with a unique journey through two contrasting regions of Europe: Prague, Czech Republic, and London, England. My goal was to study English and cure myself of wanderlust, but what she gained while abroad is so much more than she realized at the time. She learned from esteemed foreign journalists in Prague, worked for a travel magazine in London, and studied academic courses in literature and journalism at internationally ranked universities. Studying abroad gave her invaluable experience, confidence, and a cultural awareness that will shape and inform her future.

May 27, 2015 25:15

The Academy

About 2015 Clemson Global Symposium

The Clemson Global Symposium was created by a collaboration of recent Clemson Alumni, current Clemson students, faculty, and staff, with their eyes on the following mission: To foster the awareness of cross-cultural understanding through opportunities for overseas service and/or academic and research activities; and to encourage the engagement of Clemson students in taking on global responsibilities and problem solving in partnership with citizens from other countries. With funding from the Diversity Office, the keynote addresses and 20 sessions from the Symposium were filmed and will be showcased here on ClemsonTV. The presentations were made by current or recent Clemson University students, for students, and represent a variety of service, study, research, and internships abroad experiences, during or after Clemson years.